
Hi Parents…

Welcome to Kid District! Our names are Kirby Godfrey and Jessica Lewis and we are a duo of city moms who co-founded Kid District LLC in Washington, DC. We are each a mother of two young, active, and inquisitive kids. Because of that, we like to introduce our kids to new and exciting experiences whenever we can! We found ourselves, and our kids, getting bored with some of the same weekend activities and started to run out of different resources for party services when the birthdays rolled around. It became a struggle to find those unique, enriching activities that our kids could enjoy on a (somewhat) regular basis that would connect them with other little friends, as well as connect us to other parents. So, we decided to put our love for our city, kids, and creative DIY-mom abilities together, and Kid District was born.

Not only are we business partners, we are also best friends (and so are our kids). We love to unwind and have some fun after a long week at a local Paint & Sip, and what mom doesn’t like to steal away and enjoy a nice, relaxing day at the spa!? Being in the heart of the city, what better way to expose our kids to some of the unique fun of city living than to introduce them to mini versions of some of these favorite city activities? Kid District will host surprise pop-up events in the Washington, DC area bringing a variety of these fun, enriching themes to your littles in a creative, enjoyable, age-appropriate way! Not only that, but we know how many additional tasks get added to a moms to-do list when celebration time rolls around  - let’s face it, as parents we are always stretched so thin! Allow us to take the stress of weekend fun and parties off your hands, and let Kid District do all the heavy lifting!